Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Devil His Due

Batman #562
February 1999
Lot of ground to cover in this issue. Through an executive order, Gotham has been condemned. The government has cut off all aid to the city, and issued a massive eviction of all the residents. US Marshalls have replaced the National Guard troops and they are basically checking the passports and ID of all the citizens as they leave Gotham City, through its last remaining bridge. As soon as everybody is out, they will blow the bridge, leaving Gotham City isolated. Killer Croc is among the escaping crowd. However, he forces his way to the front of the bridge and then dives into the river. Another point about the mass eviction is that "convicted felons, known terrorists and those with mob associations" are not forced to stay behind to, as the executive order states that this edict will : ".. contain and isolate the negative social elements that have made Gotham unlivable!"
It seems as if Gotham City is now suddenly an island. And I dont mean that figuratively, it looks like Gotham's demographics have now been re-written to make the city on an actual island, like Manhattan (more continuity problems..I know Gotham has alot of waterfront property, but now it's an actual ISLAND... what happened to the "hills above Gotham City"?) Alot of emphasis is put on cutting off the bridges and tunnels into the city. I know it's modeled after the darker side of New York City, but I've always read into it that Gotham was NOT an island, just on the coastline.
Cut over to the Gotham morgue, where Jim Gordon and Sarah Essen are inquiring about the dead body of a Nick Scratch thug. The coroner mentions that the thug's physiology is..different. His genetics have been altered, and remember those "masks" they wear that I've been telling you about? They're not masks..that's the dude's actual face! Jim storms out of the office to combat the "old testament hell and all its demons!"
Cut down to Washington, where Bruce Wayne and Mayor Marion Grange are planning to return to Gotham. The Gotham Death Warrant still isnt official, but Grange and Bruce dont want to show up at the meeting and let the government rub their faces in it. (Kinda like how the Buffalo Bills refused to take the field after the Patriots and NFL refs SCREWED them over and let them lose). But, I wouldnt mention this little bon voyage unless someting interesting happens. Nick Scratch has ordered that "Executrix" lady to gun down Bruce Wayne. She's tracked him down, and is set up in a hotel with a sniper rifle. Just as Bruce and Grange are set to step into their limo, she gets et to pull the trigger, with Bruce dead in her sights. Suddenly, housekeeping barges into the room, startling the "Executrix", which makes her accidentally shoot Mayor Grange! Enfuriated, Bruce gets set to take off after the sniper as Batman, but Alfred reminds him that he still has Gotham to worry about (a lame excuse..since when is starting a roadtrip back to Gotham so freaking important?)
Scratch is equally peeved off... he wanted Bruce dead! As the "final chapter" in Gotham's downfall. Which brings up a popular question... WHY does he have it in for Gotham? Or. does he simply have it in for Bruce and wants to royally mess up the playboy's home turf? Scratch sends his boys on a wild goose chase through Washingotn to find and kill Bruce.
Back at the ranch, Waynecorp execs Lucius Fox and Karen Abrams (didnt she used to be featured on a more regular basis, as the Waynecorp secretary in the late 70's??)are taking the last helicopter out of Gotham. They watch from the sky as the last bridge to the city is detontated. Down below, in Gotham, a thug with a hood over his dome is rallying all the hooligans, derelicts and scumbags left behind.
Meanwhile, Nightwing and Robin are hanging out at Barbara Gordon's place and discussing where they will live. Nightwing voices his concern over Bludhaven's population instantly doubling. Robin is already talking about moving to Keystone City with his dad. Barbara shocks them both by stating that she will stay! She's already well-fortified and still has her responsibilty to Gotham City and others, as Oracle. She mentions that she didnt let the Joker run her out of town, and she's not about to let bureaucrats do it. Speak of the devil... Joker and the other recently released Arkkam inmates (see recent issues of "Shadow of the Bat"..sorry, I dont review that title)are standing just outside the city..with big smiles on their grills!
Last scene of the month is Congress offically making Gotham a forgotten city. Very Depressing stuff.... but Batman is already on his way back home. Next month is the conclusion of "Road to No Man's Land"..which means the REAL nasty stuff is about the happen! Total anarchy will reign in Gotham... hey, we havent seen THAT guy in awhile, have we?
Alot of action and plotlines this month! It moved very quickly and does a good job of getting the readers psyched up for "No Man's Land". My only complaint was this: How the HELL were they able to go around and filter out the "known terrorists and mob affiliates"? I suppose if you are a mob affiliate, you are issued a special stamp on your driver's license. It just seems a little too cut and dry for me... all bad guys are not that easily I right?
With the recent release of the Arkham crazies (we are shown Joker, Poison Ivy, Ventriloquist and Scarface, Mr. Zsasz, Maxie Zeus, Two-Face, Riddler and Scarecrow), this big crossover should have more than enough to keep us entertained. It also kinda dawned on me that this crossover could have all the elements of the big 90's crossovers. You've got the "big changes" they always promise (Gotham is condemned), the "new major villain"(Scratch), the debut of a "new superhero" (the new Batgirl in Febraury) and lots of heroes and villains involved. It seems to me that this is a hodge podge of the most succesful 90's crossovers: Knightfall (all the villains running amok and the new player, Scratch), Contagion (city being wiped out), Knightquest/Knightsend/Prodigal (new heroes debutting and interaction with Nightwing and Robin) and in somewhat of a stretch, many elements from the X-men's "Age of Apocalypse" (all the post-apocalyptyic scenes and depressing tone). Some critics would point out that No Man's Land will be alot like "Escape from New York".

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